Play the best game


Draw Your favourite game

1 draw = 1 game

Works 24/h

Game keys for Steam

Draw the game - Spin the wheel and see what you've won!

Why us?

How it works

Verification Send a text message with the indicated content. And we will send you in a few seconds your access code to start a draw. Enter a valid e-mail To this e-mail we'll send You
the key to digital game on Steam that You won.
Type recieved code It's the code that You got in a
return message from us.
Next Pressing this button will start the draw
of your game.
Soon after the draw finish, we will display won key,
this key we will also send to provided e-mail.
You can use the key by opening the Steam app from expended menu click second option
"Activate product on steam..."
Click on the left bottom "plus icon"

List of Games

Currently in our library we have more than 260 games. This number still grows!
Here You can see random 100 of them.